Ando x Correa
A city of objects, that unfolds into an open plan, with a minimal geometry reflecting itself across a series of staircases and ramps that brings in light to enhance the colours and textures.
Illustrations exchanged between Jahanvi Shinde (repping Charles Carrea) and Devarsh Sheth (repping Tadao Ando)
Working with translating the initial models and interpretation of the architects (Charles Correa x Tadao Ando) design language, the process began with a play of space and a set of rules.
Certain aspects were picked from each architect's sensibility and space crafted accordingly.
Applying a various array of rules to craft a unique design process helped the amalgamation of our 2 separate models while it being an isolated approach.
Collaborating with an understanding of our individual visions and focusing on distributing the space in terms of set cubes helped explore the process in a stylized sense.